Meet Angèle Paty - Aurum Bikes

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Angèle Paty


MEET Angèle Paty

How did you start cycling?

I started road cycling after Covid in June 2020, with the main motivation to explore my region, move around freely and push my limits step by step.

What type of cycling do you practice?

I mainly do gravel and bikepacking, but I still like to take my MAGMA road bike up mountain passes or ride in a group with friends who don’t necessarily have a gravel bike.

What is your AURUM bike? Why did you choose it?

I chose the yellow MANTO, a fairly obvious choice given my cycling background. I love going on bike trips, exploring trails and new regions. The MANTO is ideal for adventure!

Do you have a favourite route? Which one and why?

I don’t really have a favorite route. On the contrary, I love being surprised by a route that I’ve mapped out and that I don’t necessarily know what to expect. Sometimes I have very good surprises, and other times a little less good… But that’s the gravel game I think!

How do you prepare for a bike ride? Do you have any special routine?

Just gear up for the day’s weather and the program, fill my water bottles with electrolytes and check the tire pressure before setting off, and then let’s go!

What other sports do you practice to complement cycling?

I also run.

How do you manage nutrition before and after a bike ride?

I’m always careful not to set off on an empty stomach or without having eaten properly beforehand. At breakfast I have a bowl of white cheese with homemade granola and a banana. I take energy bars and a few gels with me if it’s a race.

Do you have any advice for those looking to buy their first bike?

Ah the first bike…! I’d say choose your first bike according to your budget and what you plan to do with it (travel? road racing? mountain biking? etc.), do a bike fit after the first few months on it to make sure you’re in the right position and avoid injuries.

How has cycling influenced your social life?

I’ve met a lot of people who share the same passion for cycling, from all walks of life. This diversity was very surprising at first. I’ve also made some very good friends as a result, for which I’m very grateful. I’ve also met a lot of great people on my own while traveling by bike.

How do you ensure to avoid injuries? Do you have a warm-up routine?

I think about rest and recovery. For me, cycling is a hobby and I have no desire to injure myself. I like to challenge myself, sometimes with a bit of suffering but never too much.
Knock on wood, I’ve never hurt myself!

Is there any cyclist you admire? Why?

Demi Vollering. Whether it’s her performance or her lifestyle, which is close to nature and the simple things in life, I’m very inspired. She’s an exceptional cyclist who deserves even more recognition!